Synopsis: Donbas, 2014. A nameless woman stands in the street. Wearing a pair of dark black sunglasses, she tries to sell a basket of kittens. She has lost everything else she holds dear: her home, her family, her hope. Russia has taken over Crimea and stirred up ongoing violence in her beloved homeland of Donbas. Betrayed by her neighbour and brutalised by Russian-backed militia, her hope has waned for humanity. She can only now place her hope in finding a home for a basket of kittens, a home she cannot offer. An urgent piece of new writing from Neda Nezhdana that starkly reveals the roots of Russia's war on Ukraine through the eyes of one woman. Its original production at the Finborough Theatre in August 2022 as part of Two Ukrainian Plays received huge press acclaim. The play was nominated for both Best Lead Performance in A Play and Best New Play (one of three selected finalists) in the OffWestEnd Playwright Neda Nezhdana Cast & Crew Directed by Polly Creed Translated by John Farndon Scenic and Costume Design by Ola Klos Performed by Kristin Milward Showtimes @ Teatro do Bairro 8th and 9th February @ 21:30 10th and 11th February @ 16:00 Book now on the BOL website See you when the curtain rises |