Vast majority of Ukrainians see liberating all Ukrainian territory as key to defeating Russia - Triplov INFO


quarta-feira, 30 de agosto de 2023

Vast majority of Ukrainians see liberating all Ukrainian territory as key to defeating Russia

Vast majority of Ukrainians see liberating all Ukrainian territory as key to defeating Russia (Photo:Генштаб ЗСУ)

More than 83% of Ukrainians think the liberation of all Russian-occupied territories, up to Ukraine's 1991 borders, would mean Ukraine had defeated Russia in the war, a new poll has found.

The results of the poll, conducted by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology at the request of the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, were released on Aug. 29.

Most of those polled said they didn't think Ukraine would have defeated Russia if it did not manage to liberate Crimea from Russian military occupation.

Read more » Most Ukrainians say victory in war means return of all occupied lands, including Crimea / The New Voice of Ukraine (