We are Church International:
International Online Press Conference
Monday, 30 January 2023 at 11:00 CET
A few days before the start of the European Continental Assembly of the Synod, which will take place in Prague from 5 to 12 February 2023, we invite you to an international online press conference with ZOOM. Doing this we would like to encourage the reform forces in this unique meeting.
Speakers and their topics
Colm Holmes (Chair We are Church International, Ireland): EQUALITY at Synod
Ludovica Eugenio (#italychurchtoo, Italy): Sexual and spiritual abuse and the need for reform
Dr Luca Badini Confalonieri (Wijngards Institute, England): A Constitution for the RC Church
Sr Philippa Rath OSB (delegate at Synodal Path in Germany): The German approach for Reform
Miroslav Maťavka (SIGNUM, EF and GNRC, Slovakia): Equality for LGBTIQ+
Sophie Rudge (Co-president andante-europa.net, England): CWC/Andante – Equality for Women
Christian Weisner (We are Church Germany): Moderator
The speakers will present their statements in their mother tongue, but the statements will be posted during the press conference at least in English, Italian, German, Polish, Czech.
Volunteer translators will help to translate your questions and the answers of the speakers.
Please register by email to prag2023@wir-sind-kirche.de with name, name of your media, mobile phone, language ability and whether you will be present in Prague in February 2023. You will receive the ZOOM link for the online press conference by Monday morning, 30 January 2023.
Presence in Prague
During the Continental Assembly of the Synod in Prague many representatives of Catholic Reform Groups will be present in Prague and also available for interviews.
You will find up to date information on the website: www.wir-sind-kirche.de/prag2023