FoH volunteers wanted for upcoming show at Teatro Do Bairro - Triplov INFO


quarta-feira, 12 de junho de 2024

FoH volunteers wanted for upcoming show at Teatro Do Bairro

FoH Volunteers

Dear Friend,

This coming week the Lisbon Players production Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf at Teatro do Bairro opens and we are again looking for volunteers willing and able to help us out as Front of House/Box Office staff during one or more of the production days. 

On any given such day, the FoH staff (minimally two) arrive an hour before doors open, and help out both in terms of selling tickets and programmes as well as letting audience in after verifying their pre-bought tickets. The FoH liaise closely with the stage manager both before the show and during the interval to coordinate all local audience activity and presence. 

All FoH staff receive a complimentary ticket for the production.

If this strikes you as something you would love to be part of, on one or more of the showdates,  let us know by dropping us a line here.